Sunday, July 15, 2012

House Pictures

Here are some more pictures of our new house (mostly so my family can see them. I miss Unfortunately, we don't get all the furniture with the house!


Celia said...

It's so gorgeous!

km said...

I'm so EXCITED for you!!! What a blessing. It's beautiful. I think my favorite things are the enclosed patio on the side/sun room and the arched window on the second floor over the front door. I'm sure this also means new schools for the kids. Praying you get settled before the first day back.

kathy b said...

wow. it is so lovely and it is big! Screened porches are the best!!!! knit there and you'll have great views

Jane said...

I love the hardwood floors and the fact that it's a real old house (not a new house made to look old, ykwim?)