At last, I'm back in the knitting groove!
I spent last week with my parents. I love Western New York. If any of you are thinking about moving, I promise, it's a great place. On Thursday, I went to my mom's knitting class at Have Ewe Any Wool, and I worked on little girl's winter hat (she wanted a purple hat.) (BTW, the Thursday group at the shop is full of the nicest, most encouraging fellow knitters you will ever meet.) The hat pattern is from 101 Designer One Skein Wonders, and it worked up super quickly. Sadly, right at the last minute, just when I was sewing up the top, I dropped a bunch of a stitches. A BUNCH. Thankfully, my mom fixed it for me. (Aren't moms great?)

(Ruggles seems to be missing, so little girl's pal Annabelle is modeling hats today.)
The following day I started little boy's winter hat. No published pattern here (that I know of) - just your basic hat. I love the colors, and it looks fabulous on him! I think I will make matching mittens, and if there is enough yarn leftover, add a pompom on top. (Oh, btw, both hats were made with Plymouth Encore.)

I also brought the February Lady Sweater. Sadly, I had to rip back 8 rows or so because of a mistake. I'm now one row ahead of where I was when I got to my parents, but now I have a load of stitch markers to help me keep my place.
I also bought some yarn for a baby sweater and some LOVELY alpaca to make a tam for my sister-in-law. Remember my short list of Christmas knitting? The one I made so I wouldn't stress myself out? Yeah, that's out the window. I'm back to wanting to knit for all the babies, and make two tams, plus the Oriel Lace Scarf I want to do. And finishing my sweater sometime this year would be nice too.
I pretty much plan on knitting whenever humanly possible - but I feel great about it!!!!
Lucky me, I got back to town just in time to go see the
Yarn Harlot in Cambridge. How convenient that she was speaking just 10 minutes from my house! I love hanging out with knitters! Within seconds of sitting down, we were showing each other our knitting, pictures of our kids, and comparing LYSs. I don't know if you know, but in general, strangers sitting next to each other do NOT speak to each other in New England. It's been a hard lesson for me to learn, and one that I love does not apply to other knitters.

(Sorry about the picture quality - I should have replaced the batteries in the camera before I left.)
Anyway, back to Ms. Pearl-McPhee. If you haven't read of her books, read them! She's funny. She's smart. She's an amazing knitter. (Best advice so far - It's only yarn.) If she is coming to a place near you, go see her! She's just as funny in person, and you feel like she's a really approachable person.
While there, I worked on a second hat for little girl. Not that she needs one, but her new snowsuit perfectly matches a half-ball of yarn I've had sitting in my stash, and knitting a hat didn't require too much attention. I hope to finish that today, and work on my sweater. I will have to decide what the rest of the week's playground knitting will be - but rest assured, there will be knitting!
P.S. Did you notice the counter up top? I'm in my 20th week. Halfway there! Last night, Daddy was able to feel a couple of kicks!