Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Incomplete Sock

So, I didn't finish my sock on New Years' Eve. Instead, I took a 2 hour nap between 9-11. I also didn't work very much on it on the car ride home. Instead, I did some Sudoku puzzles, tried to nap, and worked on the cross-stitch scarf.

Here's the sock so far:

I'm might do a few more rounds tonight. We'll see. I had to work this morning, and then spent the rest of the day picking up the house and doing laundry. I can't explain what it's like to leave the house the morning after Christmas, and then return with a car full of new gifts. There was stuff EVERYWHERE! I have a lot of things to reorganize, but at least the house feels reasonably neat now.

In terms of the scarf (which I don't have a picture of at the moment) - my knitting seems to have tightened up, because the beginning is significantly wider than the rest of the scarf. I'm hoping I can fix it with blocking.

What's going on in your knitting world?

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