Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Little Freak Out

So, I've hit 33 weeks in this pregnancy. And I just learned last week, that I'm considered full-term at 37 weeks, and not at 38 weeks. Which means, theoretically, this baby could arrive anywhere in the next 4 to 9 weeks (which is kind of crazy!) Now, I'm not one to freak out, but 4 weeks sounds REALLY CLOSE and I do NOT feel ready!

Besides the lack of knitting (of which there is a HUGE lack of), I haven't washed any little clothes yet. We haven't figured out where this baby is going to sleep once we're passed the feeding every two hours stage. We have no name for this child. Not a single thing (except for one little outfit) has been purchased with this new little one in mind. I might start to freak out a little bit.

I can say, however, that house cleaning/organizing has been happening, and that definitely helps the prepared feeling. We've done this before, and we know that newborns really only need a place to sleep, some clothes, and access to food. So.....I should probably get on that clothes washing deal.

6 1/2" of the wave jumper are completed. (Because I knit through Bible study tonight. But, we didn't really have a study - more of an organizational meeting). It might actually be finished this month!!!!

Happy Knitting!


km said...

You're so going to be fine. Really the baby could sleep in a drawer. Not that you would...but they used to do that and generations before us turned out just fine.

Cribs are pretty easy to come by around here. I just gave the one that was in a closet to a friend from church that has an almost 4, an almost 2, and a baby due in 2 weeks. She just couldn't get the 2yo out of the crib. I'm SURE that MY GOD WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS. Now if I had time to find that reference....

Oh, and I didn't name my 2nd & 3rd until they told me I'd be leaving the hospital with no name if I didn't act soon. Sometimes the name comes to you when you've seen the little face. Blessings to you.

Jknits said...

What a good mom you are! Baby's not even here and you are already worried the care taking.

Moriah said...

I'm sure that you and the baby will be more than fine. But I still hope for a full-term 40-weeker for the sake of your peace of mind.

aradiva said...

I'm told I slept in a drawer at 6 months old while my parents were on vacation in California. Didn't bother me a bit.

Miss Me said...

so long as baby is healthy, everything else will come together. neither of my boys arrived exactly how or when i expected them to, but i'm pretty sure that neither of them noticed. ; )

Ursula said...

I had a crib and no mattress when Jack was born 17 days early. He was fine, we were fine. As everyone has said, things will all work out.